allenjd3 a place to set on

New Blog. Again.

So I’m making a new blog, again. I know, I make a new blog more than flies on a dog turd. So why am I starting again you may ask? Its simple. I’m bored. I also just want the freedom to write without having to worry about whether my theme is rendering it properly. That’s where jekyll comes in.

Jekyll is pretty well known in github land. Its the default static site builder for github. I say this only having learned about this today. Yes, I had heard about jekyll but I never put two and two together. I started out making my github static sites using jigsaw which is a php static site builder. There’s nothing wrong with jigsaw by the way. I’m just someone thats always learning about the next thing. Or the last thing depending on when I learn about the existance of something. What were we talking about again?


I thought, I wonder if ruby has a jigsaw? So I google search ruby static site generator and see jekyll. Then all my memory bells start jingling and I remember all the times I’ve heard about jekyll in the past and thought, what'ev. Instead, today I thought- ev and gave it a shot.

Jekyll is pretty cool. The theming seems a bit fiddly but its probably because it looks like they recently changed how you can install themes. Now your theme is just a gem file. This makes it pretty easy to install new themes and less easy to make new themes. Which is the real reason I didn’t change my theme from the default.

To be fair, I did start changing it and thought,

naw that default theme is pretty slick and ain’t nobody got time for that.

I wrote this blog entirely as it came to my brain so sorry ‘bout that. I’m not going to do one of those how-to things today. Here are the docs if you want to read them- Jekyll Docs. Until next time.